What’s the difference between a newt and an axolotl?

A newt is a salamander but not all salamanders are newts.

There are 9 different families of salamanders and the family Salimandridae contains all of the various newt species.

The axolotl is a member of the family Ambystomatidae, which includes many different types of mole salamander.

To lean more:

Zhang P, Wake DB. 2009. Higher-level salamander relationships and divergence dates inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes. Mol Phylogenet Evol 53: 492–508.

Maden M. Axolotl/newt. 2008. Methods Mol Biol. 461:467-80.

Fun Facts

Why do axolotls retain a juvenile appearance throughout life?

Several salamanders, including the axolotl, retain juvenile characteristics as adults and are called paedomorphic.

The entire axolotl life cycle is spent under water, from birth to mating.

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