Welcome Customer | Salamander

All customers (longstanding and new) are asked to please register to insure that AGSC staff have your most recent contact/shipping/billing information. The primary activity of the AGSC has not changed. They will still be dedictated to the supply of live experimental or instructional material to qualified researchers or teachers. The recipient also pays animal fees and the shipping costs.

If you can't get what you need from AGSC , you may wish to contact other suppliers. If you are not a researcher or a teacher, please contact other suppliers to obtain axolotls. AGSC accepts prepaid orders from non-researchers for axolotl food and other supplies only.

All laboratories, instructors, or individuals who wish to obtain axolotl embryos, larvae, or adults from AGSC must register with AGSC by providing answers to the questions below. Each registrant will receive a registration number. Each laboratory should register only once. All students, post-doctoral associates, technicians, and others associated with a research program use the same registration number when ordering. A single contact person should be designated for communications with AGSC.



(*) Required

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

A minimum of at least 8 characters


Confirm Email

